Year: 2011

How History Has Mistreated the Langobardi

Check any standard reference on the history of the Lombards and you’ll most likely find very few facts about their origins but much speculation — speculation which, when considered carefully, makes very little sense. Traditionally the Lombard tribal name is ….

How Linguistic Resources Impede the Study of History

If you have ever been curious about old languages you have probably browsed special dictionaries — of which many may be found online — that “translate” ancient or medieval languages into modern English. If you have studied J.R.R. Tolkien’s literature ….

Language May Be Older Than Humanity

The Economist has reported on a recent linguistic study by Dr. Quentin Atkinson, of the University of Auckland, in New Zealand. Dr. Atkinson compared phonemes from over 500 languages around the world and used each language’s phoneme complexity to triangulate ….

Closing in on the Archaeological Garden of Eden

Scientists in Saudi Arabia disclosed this week the discovery of artifacts from a lost 9,000-year-old culture that has been dubbed the “Al-Maqar Civilization”. Al-Maqar is a region in central Saudi Arabia that, until now, had not attracted much scientific interest. ….

Scientists Continue Exploring Africa’s Age of Adam

In a lengthy discussion titled Africa 60,000 Years Ago: The Age of Adam SF-Fandom founder Michael Martinez proposed an interpretative reading of a growing body of signals from the past 30-120,000 years of human existence in and near Africa. DNA ….

Change Points in the Modern Human Timeline

We don’t think about the multi-generational consequences of the innovations we develop but the long-term impacts of advances in human activities have had a profound impact on both our health and our own development. A study published last year suggests ….

Robin Hood Comes to Life Once Again

The Daily Mail reports that a recent book is claiming to make the case for identifying the historical figure behind the legends of Robin Hood. Historian David Baldwin’s book, Robin Hood: The English Outlaw Unmasked, was published in 2010 and ….